If you get an error message saying that MySite cannot be created due to a missing tag in the URL or error in the defined managed path, then you have to do this: Open Central AdministrationApplication ManagementDefine managed pathsAdd the path, like “personnel”
Tag: Administration
This is very useful. Say you have several web sites and you don’t want to display the same search results on every web site – only the results relevant to the current site! Do this: Open Central AdministrationOpen your SSPClick on “Search settings” and then “Content sources”.There is a list of current content sources, there …
A while ago I got a lot of error messages in Event Viewer on our MOSS server. I found the following solution: run stsadm -o sync -DeleteOldDatabases 0 and the message disappears.What it does is enter the table “sitesynch” on the SQL server and deletes connections to any old Sharepoint config database that you may …
How to install the PDF iFilter so that pdf files are searchable (and given an icon too) Download the latest Adobe PDF IFilter from http://www.adobe.com/support/downloads/detail.jsp?ftpID=2611Stop the IIS serviceRun the Adobe PDF IFilter Setup on your MOSS serverCopy the ICPDF.GIF file (search your server) to “C:Program FilesCommon FilesMicrosoft SharedWeb Server Extensions12TemplateImages”Open “C:Program FilesCommon FilesMicrosoft SharedWeb server …
path to STSADM iscd C:Program FilesCommon FilesMicrosoft SharedWeb Server Extensions12BIN addcontentdbstsadm -o addcontentdb -url URL [-databaseserver servername] –databasename databasename [-DatabaseUser username -DatabasePassword password] [-SiteWarning number] [-SiteMaximum number] [-SearchServer servername] stsadm -o addcontentdb -url http://srv007:42464 -databasename Sharepoi1_SITE stsadm.exe -o restore -url http://srv007:24003 -filename c:backupmigrera-SRV005-ComSolut1_SITE.SPB create a new site using a template in another language (in this …
I love content types in Sharepoint. I use them when I create new publishing pages, new templates, new columns and yeah that’s it. So useful and powerful. Change in one place – update all others! If you want to publish a Word template to a library you… that’s right – create a new content type …
When I should activate Content Deployment on our Sharepoint server I got the following error message:“Value does not fall within the expected range”Oh I just love the error messages in Sharepoint, they are so informative 🙂 Ran the following commands instead: Stsadm -o deactivatefeature -name deployment -url Stsadm -o deactivatefeature -name migration -url Stsadm -o …
When you install the language templates I have discovered that many functions are missing. The solution is to compare the 1033 folder with the 1053 and copy the files that are missing to your new language folder. For example the search function on WSS pages: I had to copy the file search.js into the 1053 …
Yes but it’s available with a little trick 🙂 If you try to save a website as a template, you’ll find out that there is no link to it in administration mode (web site settings). You must change the following in the URL and it will be available:Change from this URL:http://mywebsite/sitedirectory/minsubsite/default.aspxTo this URL:http://mywebsite/sitedirectory/minsubsite/_layouts/savetmpl.aspxand you may …
To find out which application pool runs a certain w3wp.exe process, use the command:C:WINDOWSsystem32>cscript iisapp.vbs