This error message occured on the IIS 7 on my SharePoint server this morning (running on win server 2008). How come? Well it all started with this: I was going to add an account on a site, but the AD did not reply, which forced me in to the server to have a look. Turned …
Year: 2009
To calculate the week number in a view, enter following formula in a calculated column: Replace the “Yourdatefieldhere” with the column that contains the date field you want to calculate the formula on. Thanks to for the formula. Swedish version=HELTAL((Yourdatefieldhere-DATUM(ÅR(Yourdatefieldhere);1;1)+(TEXT(VECKODAG(DATUM(ÅR(Yourdatefieldhere);1;1));”d”)))/7)+1 English version=INT((Yourdatefieldhere-DATE(YEAR(Yourdatefieldhere),1,1)+(TEXT(WEEKDAY(DATE(YEAR(Yourdatefieldhere),1,1)),”d”)))/7)+1 More examples of view formulas here
Usually when I want to center align a div on a page, I use margin:auto auto and set my width to a specific width, like 940px in my stylesheet. But, this does NOT work in IE 8. So to make that work, use width:940pxheight:100%position:absoluteleft:50% (to tell that your div should start in the middle of …
I wanted a custom view where the news are sorted per Year and Month, and then after modified date descending order. I created a new field called Year and used the following formula to calculate year which is really easy: =YEAR(Created) Then I wanted to get the name of the month instead of the number …
If you connect a secondary data source to your InfoPath form, and connect to a udcx file which contains a large amount of data: then you might get this error message inside the form: Very irritating! I did not find any solution to it, only that you can disable the script debugger in IE, but …
I was looking for a way to get rid of the icon gosearch.gif in the Search Area in SharePoint: There is no way to replace the image with a css class, the only thing you can do is hide it with a new class that is called td.sbgo img and add the display:none to it. …
This post belongs to my issue described here which I have not found a solution to yet. Except from one of the issues: the login prompts!When you run a Vista client against your SharePoint site that you have installed on a Win Server 2008 then you are in trouble. First thing: dont run Vista, but …
I have built many forms in InfoPath 2007 and you always find new interesting issues to deal with =) When you think you have found a brilliant solution, then you can be sure that there is an obstacle when it comes to web enabled forms. So it works with filter on data sources. I wanted …
My good friend Tobias Zimmergren has released his awesome Forum product for SharePoint.I hereby quote Tozit himself:“The TOZIT SharePoint Discussion Forum solution is a product, or set of products, that makes the discussions in SharePoint become very intuitive and user friendly. It also adds on a bunch of features that doesn’t normally exist in SharePoint’s …
On Saturday I will attend this seminar in Copenhagen, called SharePoint Saturday. Thanks, T, for the ticket =)I will listen to Mike Watson and Tobias Zimmergren, and they will deliver, I am sure! Optimization and performance are things that I work with daily so it will be very interesting. Maybe I will post a …