The Current server is running low on memory

There is an error reported in Health Analyzer on my SharePoint 2013 server regarding the Distributed Cache “current server is running low on memory”.
So, the Distributed cache uses 10% of the  total physical memory on the server. The Distributed Cache service uses half of that memory allocation for data storage (also known as cache size), and the other half of that memory allocation is used for memory management overhead. When the cached data grows, the Distributed Cache service uses the entire 10 percent of the allocated memory.  (Source: technet)
To check the existing memory allocation, run this command
Get-AFCacheHostConfiguration -ComputerName ComputerName -CachePort “22233”
There is 16 GB RAM on this server, so 819 MB is not enough. First stop the Distributed Cache Service in Services on server in CA
I first tried to update the size to what Technet recommended (7168 MB) but then I could not start the service again since I did not have enough free memory:
Instead, I updated the size to the double at 1600MB with this powershell cmd:
Update-SPDistributedCacheSize -CacheSizeInMB 1600
Then started the Distributed Cache service and the message in Health Analyzer disappeared.
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Dear Lise,

can you add the line which caused the problem and what you have changed in your own master page to this post? I am having the same problem and it would help me a lot!

kind regards,

Lise Rasmussen

Hi Karin! Thank you for your comment. Please clarify your question in an email to me at and I hope I can help you 🙂
Thank you!