The publishing feature

I use the built in CMS system a lot in Sharepoint, both for external and internal websites. It’s easier to build templates for the user so that they are able to create news and stuff fast. There are some irritating stuff regarding that function though. Attach a file or insert a picture are really a disaster, not for me but for the user! I mean, how many steps are there for this? I have tried to insert an upload-button but that did not work so I gave up.

Let’s say that your user actually did manage to find the hyperlink button and managed to upload a file from the hard drive then you must first close the window that displays that the file is uploaded (why??? just add a script that closes that window… or?? totally confusing for the user) then you MAY find yourself be in the wrong library.. Yes. Why isn’t there a feature or function that returns the user to the correct library – the one that belongs to the site, and NOT the latest you opened. And what else could happen? You upload the file to a library where the readers dont have access. Omg. Really thought through function. But the most annoying thing is the window where you see your uploaded files, they are sorted… ascending!! So every f*ing time I attach a file and I have looots of files in those libraries I have to set the filter to descending or browse to the end of the library to find my files (fastest is to filter in descending, but how tiring isnt this?). I have really looked for a solution that at least sorts my uploaded files in descending order so that my uploaded file is the first file in the list.

These are things that make you so tired of Sharepoint, it could be such a great application but sometimes it sucks.

Anyone who knows a “solution” to this?

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