Booted on USB
Since I ran a Home Edition of Windows 7, I was not able to select “Upgrade” since I am installing an Enterprise version. So it had to be “Custom: Install Windows only (advanced)” which means a complete reinstallation. You have to select what partition to install it on.
Make sure you backup all files and programs before you continue!
Select Language and keyboard settings
You can personalize more after installation is done
There actually is a short introduction to the new UI during the installation
I must admit that this new UI will take time to get used to. I find it quite confusing sometimes, where to click to get out fast. I see my self as a very experienced user and I have problems remembering where to click etc. Found this video on YouTube today which shows how a “real” user experience Windows 8. He is really struggling to find his way around in the UI!
I don’t know if this is related to the problem I have with activating my Windows copy, but the sound is not working and the video playback is in slow motion (?). I have to google that a bit. Otherwise it is a new and fresh experience, somewhat confusing from time to time. And I am quite fast when I work with computers, but now I can’t be that because I don’t know all the fast shortcuts and where to click to fast access things. Guess it will take a while to learn 🙂
Hmm I have already freaked out a couple of times today in frustration over not finding stuff…..
Like the Start screen in the lower left corner, come on! You have to be so precise to get it, and that is annoying for all these “clicking in the corners”. I know what I will use the most, that is the good old Desktop 🙂
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Don't you find it much harder to find installed applications than in win 7?
Also some applications run only in full screen and take my entire 30’’ screen without the option to drag and drop to another window.
For experienced users, I thing windows 8 user experience is not better overall. Maybe on tablets (when will they come and how much will they cost? :-))
Hi Ofer,
No I think it is really easy to find apps! Just click on the Windows key, if you dont have a shortcut to your app on the desktop then just start typing the name of your app and it will appear in the search results.
But it is a bit "getting used to"..