number(substring(DateField, 9, 2))
To extract the month number of a date
number(substring(DateField, 6, 2))
To extract the year number of a date
number(substring(DateField, 1, 4))
Calculate hours
addSeconds(now(), 7200)
Get the month name from a date (and time) field
Get three characters of the month name
Sort or group a view by month name
To sort, add the month number in front
=TEXT(month([DateField]); “00”)&” “&TEXT([DateField];”mmmm”)
Add two calculated columns that will take the start and the end of the month.
“Start of Month” =DATE(YEAR([DateField]), MONTH([DateField]), 1)
“End of Month” =DATE(YEAR([DateField]), MONTH([DateField])+1,1)-1
Add a filter in the view:
“Start of Month” is less than or equal to [Today]
“End of Month” is greater than or equal to [Today]
When I try this,
To extract the month number of a date
number(substring(DateField, 6, 2))
If it is February, it only show 2 instead of 02. This is not helpful to me as I need to update another date column, but it is not showing correctly. If November is selected, the month shows correctly at 11? Any ideas?