Upgrade to SP2013, part 3: What to migrate

Content databases
Number and size of databases. Any old that should not be moved over?

Custom solutions and branding
Identify: customizations, branding files, style sheets, farm solutions, customized web parts and copy/install all these files on the new server.
Make sure the third party products or any farm solutions are compatible with SP2013.

Database structure
Should we split the database into smaller databases? The test migration will be a good test for this, to see how long the upgrade takes. I really don’t want to split our intranet into different db’s because we would have to use different host headers or managed paths and it will confuse the users. Also since we are replicating, it means even more work to enable all those extra db’s for replication. I am sure that our db is quite small compared to what Microsoft recommends. Our intranet db is separated from the project portal, so the large amount of files should be moved out of the intranet.

Service apps
Search service app – NO
We are using pretty much out of the box for Search, I have only made some branding. So no, it will be fairly quick for us to setup a new index.

User Profiles – NO
Managed metadata – YES
We have not setup any company metadata because of the issue with editing multiple documents, that was in SP 2010. But now that you actually can make good use of it, we might consider adding it back. But I have used it for our company wiki so this will be needed.

Web Analytics – NO and shut down services
Analytics processing for SharePoint 2013 is now a component of the Search service, so stop the services before moving the content db’s. Web Analytics Data Processing Service and Web Analytics Web Service  services should be stopped and also go into “Monitoring” and disable the timer jobs for it. Maybe overkill but… better safe than sorry. Did not do that for this WSS_Content DB since the web app was not configured anyway! Test to see if any errors comes out of that.

PowerPoint Service App and Word Viewing Service App – NO
These apps were created to support our Chrome users, it is OfficeWebApps service applications. But they are moved out to their own server in SP2013, OfficeWebApps server.

SSL certificates
We use SSL on all our sites so this needs to be imported to the IIS.

Make sure all host headers are added to the AAM.

We have increased our quota templates on the SP server so these values needs to be added. And of course the upload size limit.

They should work as in SP2010, but that needs to be tested and verified.

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