MOSS MA not found

I got this error when I clicked on “Create new connection” in the User Profile Services App, to setup a new connection to the AD. If you get it, just restart the User Profile Synchronization Services under “Services on Server” in CA.

News feed with CQWP

How come I always tell the company I work or consult for, that I am not a developer.. and then I always end up developing stuff anyway? For my part, it is more of a frustration part, because it takes so much time to develop than to use the out of the box functionality. But …

Setup connection filter on AD

If you want to reduce the amount of user profiles that are imported from AD, then a good way is to filter the AD connection. Then you can filter out disabled accounts and for example, accounts that does not have a mail address. Go to you AD connection in the User Profile Service Application and hover …

Cmdlets I use most often

I love the power of PowerShell. And I use it a lot to do stuff, it is much easier and faster than using CA. And I find myself googling Microsoft or other pages over and over for the same commands, because I simply cannot remember the parameters and it is faster to just google it. So …

Why managed metadata sucks

Why is it that you often start doing things in SharePoint that you find really useful, and when you have almost reached your goal – the whole idea just falls? This happened to me when I setup a taxonomy for a department, we built the trees and deployed them to the libraries. All looked really …

SP1 and June CU installed

Always a challenge to install service packs, and today (after having a snapshot of my new SP installation) I installed, in the following order:SP Foundation SP1, rebootSP Server SP1, rebootRun Config wizard, rebootRestart USP – worked (but you need to have the farm admin account in Local Admins group)New snapshotCU for Foundation, rebootCU for Server, …