Victory over SBS, YES!

Yes, today I have been fighting with a customers small business server – but I won!! What I did? The most dreaded – uninstalled WSS 2 on a SBS server and installed a fresh WSS 3 version. Everything went perfect until I wanted to give the new portal a hostname. Did not work. Every hostname or IP just redirected to the ugly Companyweb (even if I updated AAM in CA). Crazy. I ended up adding a new IP-address to the server and dedicate the new portal to that address instead. Removed all “old” shit in the IIS like old application STS-pools and stuff. In this order: added a new IP, added a new record in DNS pointing to that IP, changed the IIS web site to the new IP, added a new AAM-record in Central Administration. IISreset. Worked like a charm 🙂 You just have to do things in the correct order, or everything will freak out. Now I just need a SSL cert and all is done. And me too…

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