To get a value AFTER a character
substring-after(FieldName, ";")
This will return all text after the character ;
substring-after(FieldName, ";")
This will return all text after the character ;
To get a value BEFORE a character
substring-after(FieldName, ";")
This will return all text before the character ;
Substring and Concatenate
I often use Concatenate to join text from two fields. For example, the Date function now() has a "T" between Date and Time. I usually create a new field where I use substring and concatenate to replace the T with a space. Formula:
concat(substring-before(DateTimeField; "T"), " ",substring-after(DateTimeField; "T"))
This gives me the date and time in one single field with a space between.
Lise, thanks for sharing this formula.
Hi Thomas,
You are welcome 🙂