A quick way to add or manage (copy paste drag and drop) files in SharePoint is to open the document library in Explorer. But in Edge or Chrome, this alternative is greyed out. You have to use Internet Explorer (IE) to be able to open the library in Explorer or to Connect to Outlook:
Category: Okategoriserade
A customer had some libraries synced from SharePoint in Office365 to the local computer, and unfortunately clicked a link in a mail that contained the virus (or malware or whatever its called) CTB Locker which “encrypted” all the files in the synced library. The files could not be opened, two files called “How to decrypt …
Okey so this solution is nice if you have permissions and can do stuff in your SP environment. I want to be able to send documents directly from the intranet or any other site in SharePoint to my OneDrive, without having to download the document first (which feels really old to do). But there is no …
Welcome visitor! I have moved my blog to WordPress and my own domain sharepointbabe.com. My former sharepointbabe.blogspot.com felt old and not responsive 😉 So time to refresh! I love WordPress, so many templates and widgets and plugins! Hope you like it. Will start posting some proper articles soon also 🙂 Best regards Lise
So there has been questions and problems on how to setup and configure the Content Query Web Part so that it shows news with rollup images, likes and comments. Therefore I decided to make a video and show all the steps. You also find the file package up in the menu, there is a link …

This is a quick fix! To change the icon that is displayed on the bookmark in a browser from the: To something more sexy, then do the following: Create a new folder in this location C:\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared\Web Server Extensions\15\TEMPLATE\IMAGES I named my folder “Custom”. This is always best practice, so that your changes …
I am using the web part “Content Search” to display the news. But I would like to make some modifications to the Display template “Large” that I am using. First, I would like to change the arrows that is used for the paging control. Then the images should be wider and I want another managed …
This is how I upgraded our SP 2010 mysite site collections to SP 2013 Restored a copy of the 2010 database for MySites to my test serverRemoved the content db in CADetached the db in SQLAttached the restored copy in SQLAdded the content db in CA Do an iisreset Now ready for some test runs… Test-SPContentDatabase …
I have used replication between 8 SharePoint server farms for almost a year now. I am usually a very nice and patient person, but now the patience is running out and I feel frustrated and need to write about this so maybe it can help others who are considering replication. And I am being brutally honest (sorry to …